Thursday, 29 July 2010

More Variations River Earn Walk, Crieff, Perthshire

This one was taken 30/5/10 the others in this post were July 2010

See the thinner stripes on this one.

Glenlyon 6/5/10

This one was found in GlenLyon not Crieff, Perthshire.  I wonder what the wee bean shaped things are on it?  I hope it's not a disease?

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Aliens 2/8/09

With some alien friends!


Two beautiful friends.
A beautiful if, deadly to some, shelter.
I think this one was very glad that the rain stopped.

Honey Bees, Broich Wood, Crieff, Perthshire, 10/5/09

Different Marked Bumble Bees

Broich Wood, Crieff, Perthshire, 10/5/09
Garden, Crieff, 17/8/08
Garden, Crieff, Perthshire, 17/8/08 (What kind of a bee is this?)
Not always found on flowers.  3/5/09

Garden Crieff, Perthshire August 2008

This beast was absolutely huge.  Is it a Queen Bumble Bee?
To show you how big it was, here is a honey bee in the same flowers.

Pollen August 2008

Look at the pollen collected by this bumble bee.

A Copy Cat!

What Are These?

This beastie was really big, that bag strap is about an inch and quarter wide.
What kind of insect is this one?

Great Pretenders

Interesting tries!

Wasps 3/8/08 Crieff, Perthshire

Not quite so popular!
Hover flies have a single pair of wings and hover.  They use the yellow and black markings of wasps as a protection by warning away predators.

River Earn Walk, Crieff, Perthshire 25/7/10

Apparently honey bees wings stroke at about 200 a second(!) and this is what causes the buzzing noise.  Recently when walking down through a wooded walk (Laggan Hill, Crieff, Perthshire) in the late evening I heard 2 lots of many bees. I go that walk a lot in the morning and never hear the bees, so I presume they are out working in the daytime?  I was told that they can be found by Sycamore trees and sure enough there was a Sycamore tree right beside the noise both times.

River Earn Walk, Crieff, Perthshire 25/7/10

I love Bumble Bees and have noticed that they have different stripe colours and sizes.